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IfG.Transfer - Training

To support staff and management in public administration when developing and using eGovernment, IfG.Transfer offers continuing education for strategy development, planning and the application of electronic workflow systems.

These training courses are designed to be practically oriented and can take place either on-site with the customer or at the IfG.Transfer offices. In keeping with the tandem principle, courses are executed by a scientist and an experienced practitioner. Every course consists of a fundamentals section, an application oriented section and a practice section to strengthen and solidify understanding of the subject matter.

Subjects may include, among other areas, process management, the introduction of electronic workflow solutions, eGovernment in specific areas, such as social services administration, policy development, law enforcement, security, IT architectures and interoperability, good practices, and so on.

The following basic modules are offered:

Module 1: Introduction and Overview
Content: What is eGovernment, its benefits, developments, programs and projects (national and international), target group orientation, access management

Module 2: Impacts
Content: Improvement of efficiency and effectiveness, transparency and participation, reduction of bureaucracy, organizational change

Module 3: Network Administration and New Organizational Models
Content: one stop shops, shared service centers, process chain design, service definition, interoperability, broker functions

Module 4: Process and Service Management
Content: Modeling and analysis of processes and services, tools, standardization, delimiting services

Module 5: Planning, Leadership and Management
Content: Project development and management, planning, leadership, change management

Module 6: Architectures
Content: eGovernment architecture, basic components, ERP, SOA, Open Source, CMS, CRM

Module 7: Infrastructures and Access
Content: broadband, portal solutions, e-kiosk, mobile citizen services, m-government, call centers, critical Infrastructure

Module 8: Institutional Choice
Content: outsourcing, offshore and near shore, control, service depth decisions, public-private partnerships, contract management, regulation, brokers

Module 9: Costs and Financing
Content: cost measurement, efficiency increases, financing, cost-benefit analysis

Module 10: Selected Administrative Branches
Content: security, social services administration, car registration, citizen services, geographic data, tax administration, health care

Module 11: eServices for Regions
Content: telepresence learning, e-working, e-regional policy, telemedicine as well as other services based on broadband

Module 12: ICT and eGovernment in Developing Countries (ICT4D)
Content: International development, donor organizations, administrative culture, decentralization, digital divide, innovation agencies, learning and innovation processes, good governance

Module 13: International Development
Content: Good practice, eGovernment transfer between countries, international change management

Module 14: Training and Human Resources Development
Content: Training, emotional commitment, acceptance management for eGovernment, employment prerequisites, skills management, human resources development and qualification

Module 15: Electronic Record Management
Content: Interoperability, data standardization, implementation techniques, requirement analyses, responsibility lists, calls for tender

Module 16: Monitoring and Evaluation
Content: Benchmarking methods, global benchmarking studies, international development

Module 17: Policy, Law and Regulation
Content: ICT regulation, electronic signature, electronic identity, data exchange and privacy, information disclosure


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