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IfG.Transfer - Consulting

IfG.Transfer’s scientific consultation competence is based on long-standing experience in concomitant research in national and international eGovernment projects. From a modernization point of view, the need for consulting in the implementation of eGovernment arises not because of a technology gap, but rather because of an implementation gap, usage gap and strategy gap. Furthermore, ICT applications can only fully achieve their potential when they are accompanied by organizational innovation.

Today, the technologies necessary for eGovernment and other “eApplications” are readily available in the market; the challenge lies in their adaptation. Furthermore, the penetration of the state and society by information technology occurs randomly due to a lack of strategic orientation.

Therefore, IfG.Transfer’s consulting services are concentrated on strategic orientation and the implementation of concrete projects, with special emphasis placed on questions of change management, process design and technological adaptation.


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