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IfG.Transfer - Scientific Controlling

In this area IfG.Transfer offers services which support project management in implementing and managing a project. These include targeted single services in the areas of goal-setting, setup of project structures, project execution, project management and control, evaluation and further project development. In providing these services, IfG.Transfer draws upon its experience and worldwide knowledge to apply proven methods and brings in targeted technical expertise in critical project phases. Project management receives access to high-quality, product-neutral expertise in conjunction with private coaching sessions.

This kind of scientific support for projects offers a huge number of advantages:

  • Product-neutral and independent specialist knowledge is introduced, meaning that no predetermined solutions are suggested which may not fit the problems at hand.
  • The scientific perspective brings new, reflective viewpoints into the project, reframing the challenges to the project and enabling the development of entirely new solution approaches.
  • In addition, scientific consulting can, through the provision of services to better thematically and managerially structure the project, so as to help reduce complexity and management problems which arise during implementation.
  • We can draw upon our pool of worldwide knowledge to offer expert advice and flexibly develop well-grounded solutions to problems which arise during a project.
Our scientifically oriented services can contribute substantially to the shortening of project durations and to the reduction of learning curves, reducing consulting costs. Our broad and long-standing theoretical, empirical and practical experience makes it possible to quickly locate problems, analyze them and derive action-oriented recommendations in the shortest time possible.


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